Town upgrade contract let

The contract for stage one of the Palmerston Town upgrade has been awarded to Delta Contracting of Dunedin.

The work was due to begin the week after Easter, Waihemo Community Board chairman Rod Philip, of Bushey, said.

The project includes resurfacing coloured asphalt footpaths, paving at pedestrian pause points, landscaping, upgrading of rubbish bins and street furniture.

The upgrade of the town centre will be undertaken in two stages.

Stage one was expected to take about seven weeks to complete, Mr Philip said. The cost of the stage one work would be $257,444. Businesses affected by the work would be contacted by the contractor, who would endeavour to limit disruption. The patience and understanding of business owners during the time of construction was appreciated.

People are asked not to walk through new garden beds before and after planting.

The planting scheme has been designed to complement Palmerston's heritage characteristics and includes hebes, New Zealand iris and scarlet oaks.



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