Santa to join in 150th celebrations

The 1962 Cavalcade of Progress in Oamaru, which marked the 100th anniversary of the Oamaru Town...
The 1962 Cavalcade of Progress in Oamaru, which marked the 100th anniversary of the Oamaru Town Board. Photo supplied.
Two separate events are being planned for November to mark 150 years since the the declaration of the original Oamaru town board - and Santa is also on board with celebrations.

A ''Cavalcade of Progress'' would take place on November 30, organiser Anton Roswell said, and

individuals, groups and organisations interested in entering a float in the event could now register expressions of interest.

The last cavalcade took place in 1962, to mark the town's centennial, and Mr Roswell said November's event would lead the Santa Parade procession in a float and truck display down Thames St to the Oamaru Harbour.

''Many Oamaru people were involved in the 1962 event and from all records it was a festive occasion for the town, with a variety of wonderfully decorated floats, representing a large cross-section of the community, its businesses and service groups as well as showcasing old and new machinery.''

He said 2013 was a milestone for Oamaru and the Waitaki district, as it celebrated 150 years since the declaration of the Town Board in 1863.

''The Waitaki Community are encouraged to get involved and enter a float in the Cavalcade of Progress to celebrate their history and their heritage.''

If there was enough interest, organisers would hold a float decorating workshop before the event, he said.

The Victorian Heritage Committee Heritage Parade on November 16 would also celebrate Oamaru's 150th. Mr Roswell said the two celebrations were ''separate, but complementary'' events that would give participants the opportunity to show their floats twice.

It was hoped the cavalcade and Santa Parade could improve on the ''massive'' turnout for last year's Santa parade, which attracted 72 floats and a crowd of 7000 people, he said.

This year's parade would begin with a flyover from a World War 2 fighter plane at 10am, and would also feature a ''surprising'' new look for Santa's sleigh, he said.

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