Rugby team signs contract to keep drinking in check

Athletic Marist Rugby Football Club's premier team has signed an innovative contract aimed at reducing alcohol-related harm in the Waitaki district.

Athletic Marist Rugby Football Club premier player Jon Sinclair signs an alcohol-related contract...
Athletic Marist Rugby Football Club premier player Jon Sinclair signs an alcohol-related contract on Saturday, watched by Waitaki community safety officer Alison Banks, Sergeant Tony Woodbridge, and club committee member Ross Lory. Photo by Sally Rae.
In a trial this season, members of the premier team have each pledged not to take part in activities which might lead to excessive alcohol consumption, such as player-of-the-day "sculling".

They also agreed not to supply alcohol to club members under 18, not to act irresponsibly or to drink excessively at functions or gatherings after games.

The players agreed never to drive under the influence of alcohol or ride home with an impaired driver.

They also pledged to look out for their team-mates.

They would ensure their team-mates did not act irresponsibly and that they got home safely.

If they broke the contract, the players would be reprimanded by fellow team-mates.

If any of the players were convicted of drink-driving, they would give $1000 to the Waitaki District Council to be used for road safety projects.

Club officials also signed the contract, pledging to look after the players and organise transport home for them.

Waitaki community safety officer Alison Banks was not aware of such a contract being used anywhere else.

If the pledges were successful, other sports clubs would be approached.

Sergeant Tony Woodbridge said the initiative was about attacking and changing the drinking culture which was "ingrained" in New Zealand.

That culture was no longer seen as acceptable and it was changing.

The contract was "just another step", he said.

It was not about stopping drinking, but encouraging responsible drinking.

Hopefully, it would stop alcohol-related harm.

Senior players needed to be role models for young members of the club, Sgt Woodbridge said.

Athletic Marist committee member Ross Lory, who is a police officer, said the players were "right behind it".

He believed other clubs would also endorse it.

As part of host responsibility, they needed to encourage safe drinking and safe driving.

Several other initiatives in the past few years have been aimed at addresssing alcohol issues in North Otago, many of them addressing binge-drinking, teenagers and driving.

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