Despite a low voter turnout of roughly 50%, all the Waitaki District Council incumbents seeking re-election were returned at the weekend.
"I think we are making progress; I think people have voted because of that,’’ Mr Kircher said after preliminary results were released on Saturday afternoon.
"I think that we have more that we want to do.
"I’m looking forward to getting together with the councillors next week and making sure we are on the same page and heading in the same direction and that we are moving forward and achieving some good things over the next three years."
The challenges, and opportunities, of rural roading, a busy building sector, tourism, job growth and appointing a new council chief executive would begin after he met councillors and began "building a team".
After the preliminary results were announced, with only special votes to be counted, Mr Kircher comfortably defeated his only challenger, Palmerston-based Stephen Wesselingh, amassing 6787 votes, to Mr Wesselingh’s 901.
Familiar faces will make up a large part of that team, which comprises the seven Waitaki district councillors who are returning, former councillor Craig Dawson and only two first-term councillors.
Elected unopposed, Mr Dawson (Ahuriri ward), Bill Kingan and Guy Percival (Corriedale ward) will join five Oamaru ward incumbents — Crs Melanie Tavendale (4170), Colin Wollstein (3162), Hugh Perkins (3156), Jim Hopkins (2937) and Peter Garvan (2442) — and the two first-time councillors, Jeremy Holding (2349), Oamaru ward, and Jan Wheeler (483), Waihemo ward.
Former Oamaru councillor Sally Hope did not stand. Finishing just outside the top six vote getters in Oamaru was Lucianne White (2306).
And Barry Monks (1730), Sophia Leon de la Barra (1578), Richard Vinbrux (922), Glen Perham (643) and Wee Jock Howie (615) missed out.
Long-serving former Waihemo ward councillor Kathy Dennison stood aside, running instead for the Waihemo community board, and Mrs Wheeler won a three-person race.
Paul Mutch (258) and Stephen Wesselingh (116) missed out in the ward.
The Waihemo community board will have Carol Watson (656) join Mrs Dennison (622), Paul Roy (619), Heather McGregor (549) and Ken Brown (426).
Mr Wesselingh (254), who ran in three contests — mayor, council and community board — missed out.
Mr Kircher congratulated all the candidates who were seeking a place in the Waitaki district’s government.
"We had some really good candidates who have put their hands up," he said.
This year 49.8% of Waitaki voters voted, compared with 57.3% in 2013, but Mr Kircher said he believed the drop in voter turnout was probably due to the number of seats that were filled without an election required.
Ahuriri Community Board
Graham Sullivan
Calum Reid
Vicky Munro
Brent Cowles
Tony Chapman
Oamaru Licensing Trust
Ali Brosnan
Denise McMillan
Alan McLay
Peter Bond
Warren Prescott