Police hope for clues to death

Police are hoping publicity from a television programme next week might yield new information about the mystery death of a North Otago man six years ago.

An episode of Sensing Murder, which screens on TV2 at 8.30pm next Thursday, will feature the story of Brendan Percy, who died near Mt Dasher, in Otago's Kakanui Ranges, in January 2004.

"There are still unanswered questions surrounding Mr Percy's death and Oamaru police hope that publicity generated by the programme may encourage people to come forward with new information to assist the investigation," said Detective Sergeant Mike Ryder.

"We know Mr Percy was seen alive with his mountain bike and helmet on January 18 between Kakanui and Oamaru. His body was discovered by trampers near Mt Dasher on January 21."

Mr Ryder said the investigation had remained open as it had never been established how Mr Percy came to be in an area of sub-alpine terrain, why he was there or what happened to his mountain bike and helmet, which were never found.

It was known that Mr Percy associated with people who used and sold drugs.

"If involvement in this or other crime may be preventing these people from coming forward, I encourage them to contact me and discuss their situation," Mr Ryder said.

"There continues to be unanswered questions and for the sake of Mr Percy's family and friends, we would like to resolve this matter."


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