The Steampunk Playground’s middle toilet was badly damaged in a suspected arson early yesterday morning. PHOTOS: KAYLA HODGE

The toilet basin at the Awamoa Park men’s toilet block was also damaged.
An Oamaru police spokeswoman said the middle toilet of the three-toilet block had been set on fire and the hand basin, hand dryer and toilet roll dispensers had been ripped from the wall.
"There’s superficial smoke damage to the toilet block, but extensive damage to the dryer and everything like that," the spokeswoman said.
There was damage to the other toilets as well, but the middle toilet received the most.
The fire was discovered by a Waitaki District Council staff member who was repairing a light at the toilet block.
A council social media post said it hoped to have one toilet open for the weekend, and it would look at portaloos too.
Police would like to hear from anybody who had information about the incident, the spokeswoman said.

Part of the fence at the Phoenix Mill Water Wheel was driven through.