Plans for belly dance salsa workshop

Belly dancing and salsa will combine in a workshop and dance party in Oamaru next month.

It has been organised by belly dance and salsa teacher Cristina Hidalgo, who moved to Oamaru in March.

"I have seen with great pleasure how Oamaru people have a passion and serious interest in the arts - and they love to dance," she said.

This fed her desire not only to teach, but also bring recognised teachers and dancers from other parts of the country.

She also wants to set up a space for professional and amateur dancers and artists to show and perform.

For the first step, she has organised with her students, friends, and fellow dancers, the belly dance-salsa workshops on August 13, which will be followed at night by a Winter Carnival Hafla dance party.

Christchurch teacher Victoria Escaip will be teaching the workshops and performing in the dance party in the historic precinct at night .

Originally from Mexico, Ms Escaip discovered belly dancing when she came to New Zealand and has been doing it now for 12 years.

She has learnt a variety of styles and belly dance-salsa fusion has become part of her personal evolution as a dancer.

The workshops will teach the core moves of salsa and then combinations of the two in what is promised to be "fun and energetic".

The workshops will be at the Pembroke School hall and the dance party in the Grainstore Gallery.


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