He stands atop the Boer War monument in Oamaru and he, his plinth, the names of his war colleagues and two lions are to be moved as part of a project to improve traffic flow on State Highway 1 at the town's worst accident blackspot.
Transit NZ announced yesterday it had awarded the contract to Fulton and Hogan and subcontractor Oamaru stonemason Dooleys.
Earlier, tenders had come in over budget and the shift was in doubt. The Waitaki District Council declined to contribute but remained adamant the monument needed to move.
Transit regional project manager Simon Underwood yesterday said extra funding had been obtained.
It was essential the monument was prominent and central within Thames St, he said. It also had to be meticulously dismantled and reassembled to maintain its character and integrity.
Waitaki Mayor Alex Familton was delighted the project was closer and said it was a great example of partnership between Transit, the council and the community.
Detailed design on the rest of the project, earlier estimated to cost $2 million, is continuing with tenders expected to be called in May.
The monument, weighing about 960 tonnes, cost the equivalent of $3236 in 1905. This year, it costs about $17,000 for each metre shifted.
Mr Underwood said a start date for the monument shift still had still to be negotiated, but it was unlikely to be before Anzac Day.