A proposal for a dump station at Omarama was deferred by the Waitaki District Council this week after concerns were raised about how the council would fund the project.
After determining the $20,000 budgeted for a new dump station would be insufficient, staff asked councillors to approve an extra $10,000. The dump station is planned for the recreation reserve opposite the intersection of Ahuriri Dr and Chain Hills Highway.
Council community services group manager Dr Thunes Cloete told councillors the project would need $40,000.
The New Zealand Motor Caravan Association had offered $10,000 for the project on the condition potable water was provided at the site to allow camper van users to wash out tanks.
Councillors were asked to halve the art budget for Oamaru's Friendly Bay toilets, saving $10,000. Steel panels were to be laser-cut into images and fixed to the building.
The work was budgeted for $20,000, but council recreation manager Erik van der Spek said it could be completed for half that.
Cr Melanie Tavendale said she was concerned the dump station would incur ongoing costs and she was not comfortable with plans to use $10,000 earmarked for art at the toilets to fund the project.
"I myself don't like reallocating from other projects,'' she said.
"I don't want to see us stealing from that fund. We need to find a way of addressing the ongoing funding for this.''
While some councillors suggested establishing an honesty box to recoup some costs, Mr van der Spek said he believed the motor caravan association would withdraw its offer of financial support if the council were to charge association members for the service.
Mayor Gary Kircher said council officers should canvas the association to gauge whether there was "any appetite'' to help with ongoing funding at the dump station. He said he believed the station could still go ahead before next summer.