The Oamaru Licensing Trust is expecting an improvement on last financial year's $512,000 loss, but actual figures will not be available until its 2010-11 annual report is audited and made public.
Chief executive Giles Beal told the trust board on Thursday night the annual result showed a "slight improvement" on the previous financial year.
That was mainly a result of better than expected trading in February and March, the last two months of the trust's financial year.
March was a strong month for all the trust's sites, including its Oasthouse liquor outlet. It also showed a growth in accommodation.
Accommodation growth at the Kingsgate Brydone Hotel, to some extent driven by the Christchurch earthquake, flowed through into food sales.
Functions also improved in March, again possibly due to the earthquake hitting venues in Christchurch, which benefitted both the Brydone and Northstar complexes.
The trust's annual report will not be made public after it is audited and received by Parliament. Last year, this process took place in October.
Mr Beal said the first draft of a plan to refurbish and upgrade the Brydone had been completed and was being reviewed by the board.
Budgets for the current financial year had been set, predicting similar trading patterns and results, with the possibility of accommodation revenue remaining strong.
The $512,000 loss suffered by the trust in the 2009-10 financial year caused concern in the community and a renewed interest in board meetings, although that has since dropped off.
It also prompted the board to commission consultants to carry out a strategic review of the trust's future. The review is being considered by the board at present, with details expected to be available next month.