The council, through its website, is asking residents whether the street, which is used as a link from Thames St to residential areas in Derwent St and Reservoir Rd, should be closed and whether they have any comments on the proposal.
The suggestion of closing Ouse St between Thames and Reed Sts has been around for decades. It was recommended by pupils of Waitaki Girls' High School, who submitted a proposal and landscape design plan in 2002.
With the street closed for the roadworks, the issue of permanently closing it has arisen again.
Roading manager Geoff Young said closing the road had been suggested since at least 1974, to improve safety for Ouse St pedestrians and at the intersection with Reed and Derwent Sts, and to enhance the area.
Now the street could be turned into a cul-de-sac, with two-thirds for parking and Waitaki Girls' school access. The remaining third, at the Reed St end, would include a landscaped area, courtyard and pedestrian precinct. The community was urged to comment.
Feedback will close on July 29.