Fluoridation gets green light in Waitaki

The Waitaki District Council is pushing ahead with fluoridating its water supply following a High Court decision last week.

New Health New Zealand, an incorporated society, asked the High Court to restrict the directives given by director-general of health Dr Diana Sarfati to fluoridate water supplies.

This request was denied.

Anti-fluoride protesters marched through Oamaru to protest the change. Photo: Gregor Richardson
Anti-fluoride protesters marched through Oamaru to protest the change. Photo: Gregor Richardson
In the ruling, Justice Paul Radich said "there has been no indication that the director-general would take enforcement action and the director-general has not taken any such action".

Fluoride Free Waitaki spokeswoman Sheryl Black said this opened the door for the council to go against the directive.

The council would not be fined if it did not comply with the decision, she said.

However, Waitaki District Council chief executive Alex Parmley disagreed, saying the decision did not restrict the directives or the director-general’s ability to enforce them.