Waitaki Boys’ and Waitaki Girls’ high schools are combining to put on their production of The Addams Family next month.
Forty-one students across years 9 to 13 will take to the stage.
Director Sophie Pilbrow said The Addams Family appealed to the schools because it had many background roles that allowed for more participation.
"Anyone can be involved in the school show, even if they didn’t have experience.
"We have other kids that didn’t want to be on stage doing the props and moving the sets and stuff so anyone that wanted to be involved, could."
She had enjoyed seeing the social aspect from the cast as well. "It’s all these kids that don’t actually interact together, working together so now they’ve got all these new groups of friends."
Producer Marie-Anne Bowman said the show was progressing well.
"Rehearsals are going great, the kids are sounding fantastic so it’s just getting all the extra bits and pieces, props and costumes and all the rest of it, sorted out."
The television adaptation, entitled Wednesday and on Netflix, raised the popularity of The Addams Family with the students, she said.
"The girls especially, they already knew quite a lot of the songs before [auditioning]."
They began rehearsing four times a week this week and would move to "five or six" next week, she said.
"The kids are putting their heart and souls into it.
"They have given up Waitangi Day, they’re giving up [Otago] Anniversary Day, they’re giving up a lot of time to take part."
Musical director Stephen Hinds kept it simple when asked why people should come to see the show.
"It’s just a good show with good music and people will enjoy it.
"A bit of comedy, but a lot of love, it’s a great show."
The show will be on from April 2-5 and tickets can be bought from either school office.