Councils' tour to look at lakes and rivers issues

A wide range of issues, from didymo to camping, will be outlined to Waitaki and Waimate District councillors and staff during a tour of the Waitaki River and lakes next Tuesday.

The tour has been organised by the Waitaki lakes and rivers committee to update the two shoreline district councils on the issues.

The tour starts from the Waitaki Bridge Hall and travels up the north side of the river from Glenavy, looking at boat ramps, access, and the sites of the proposed Hunter Downs irrigation scheme and Meridian Energy's north bank tunnel power scheme.

At Kurow, plans to develop the Waitaki Island between the State Highway 82 twin bridges will be outlined, and the problems with didymo explained.

At Lake Aviemore, the group will look at camping issues at Waitangi, before travelling on to Otematata for lunch, where a long-term planning strategy for the Waitaki lakes will be outlined.

The tour will then go to Sailors Cutting on Lake Benmore to look at camping issues, before travelling down the south side of the Waitaki River.

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