Alpine fault roadshow coming

Alice Lake-Hammond. PHOTO: ODT FILES
Alice Lake-Hammond. PHOTO: ODT FILES
Preparation will be key with Waitaki facing a 75% chance of a big Alpine Fault quake striking the South in the next 50 years.

And people can find out more at the AF8 Roadshow in Omarama next Thursday.

AF8 programme manager Alice Lake-Hammond said the South Island roadshow focused on communities most likely to be affected by an Alpine Fault earthquake.

"It’s really about enabling communities to have conversations about this before it happens.

"We know New Zealanders are amazing at coming together after an emergency event, and what we’re really asking people to do is do it now."

She encouraged as many people as possible to attend the roadshow when it stopped at Omarama.

"Science isn’t about knowing all the things, it’s about helping us understand and about finding out what it means for us.

"We just encourage people to come along and bring their questions."

AF8 science lead Dr Tom Robinson said the South Island was overdue for a "very large earthquake" along the Alpine Fault.

"The last one was in 1717, so more than 300 years.

"That leaves us now with a 75% chance that this fault hosts this earthquake in the next 50 years and it’s most likely that that earthquake would have a magnitude of 8 or larger."

Dr Robinson said knowing what to do when it occurred was key.

The roadshow will be held in the Omarama Community Hall at 7pm.