He wants more publicity by Transit about the changes, with work due to start early next month to improve traffic safety from the Severn-Thames-Coquet Sts intersection to Orwell St.
Yesterday, the council's assets committee was updated on the major project that includes shifting the Boer War monument, at the Severn-Thames-Coquet Sts intersection, about 40m further south so the corner can be realigned.
The work also includes removing the roundabouts at the Eden and Ribble St intersections with Thames St and installing six traffic lights along the route.
Shifting the monument is the first stage, with a contract for the rest of the work expected to be awarded late this month or early June. But Cr Hopkins fears that when work starts ‘‘there will be hell to pay''.
He did not think people realised what was going to happen, and he urged Transit NZ to produce artist impressions, particularly of the Boer War monument intersection, and put them on display before work started.
Corporate services group manager Stephen Halliwell said there had been a lot of publicity about the work over the past year and recently at the Oamaru Library.
He expected Transit to keep that going.
Cr Peter Twiss said Cr Hopkins was underestimating the intelligence of Oamaru people and he believed they were well-informed.
Cr Helen Stead was con cerned about the work affecting businesses in the main street but roading assets manager Gary Woock said Transit would structure the project to mini mise disruption.