Community grant applications were decided at the meeting, with some missing out as the wants exceeded the available pot of money.
Community development adviser Rebecca Williams said the council had $151,000 to distribute and applications totalled $182,847.38.
After discussions the council rejected applications from the Cancer Society Otago-Southland and Bowel Cancer Aotearoa Charitable Trust, as granting them would set a precedent of nationally funded services applying for funds.
They also rejected an application from Baking It Better, who distribute boxes of baked goods to people in need or ill or with have new babies, for money to offset their costs of ingredients, boxes and couriers.
Mayor Tim Cadogan said it was a nice thing to do, but he would be more inclined to give money to a foodbank.
Cr Tamah Alley said there were several similar groups and Cr Sarah Browne suggested they could apply to the community board for funding.
Also rejected was an application from the Central Otago Queenstown Trail Network Trust for $7,686.38 to offset fees charged for a geotechnical peer review, which was part of their resource consent.
The Cromwell Community Board had referred the trust to the council at their last meeting. In Cromwell Janeen Wood, for the trust, said they had been directed to the board by a staff member as they could not alter the cost of fees.
Councillor Stu Duncan was quick off the mark when the matter was bought up.
"Cut it."
A lot of ratepayer funds went to trails and the cost was part of a capital project, Cr Duncan said.
Cr Neil Gillespie agreed it was a capital cost and was not convinced the council was there to fund that.
However, there was better news for other groups requesting funds, with grants made to Life Education Trust ($4000), Central Otago Arts Trust ($44,000), Central Otago Heritage Trust ($44,000), Sport Otago ($46,444), Volunteer South ($5000) and Central Otago Health ($7556).
Each of the successful groups made annual funding applications, and the council decided to fund them 10% more than they had been awarded last year.