One hundred and thirty solar panels are planned to replace the pool’s coal boiler heating system thanks to a $95,000 funding injection from Contact Energy.
The 50kW panels would cut 24.7 tonnes of CO2 emissions generated by the coal boiler, Roxburgh Pool Punawai Ora "Safe Water" committee member Rick Kirstel said.
"It definitely makes it better for the committee to run the pool efficiently.
"We’re going to be making more power than what we need."
Simply Energy, a subsidiary of Contact, would monitor billing and metering to ensure there was sufficient power to heat the pool in summer, with excess electricity generated in the off season sold back to the grid.
Contact Energy head of hydro generation Boyd Brinsdon said the company hoped revenue generated would help offset the cost of running the pool.
The new system would allow childhood tales of summers freezing at the pool to become a distant memory, Roxburgh Pool Punawai Ora "Safe Water" chairwoman Sally Feinerman said.
"From the day we open it, the pool is at the right temperature."
It was hoped the reduction in running costs might extend the pool’s season, she said.