Plan to dress up town with LED lights

Alexandra man Clyde Vellacott wants to brighten up the town with LED lights. Photo by Jono Edwards.
Alexandra man Clyde Vellacott wants to brighten up the town with LED lights. Photo by Jono Edwards.
A jeweller's lighting plan for Alexandra could have the town shining as brightly as a diamond.

Jamies Jewellers co-owner Clyde Vellacott said he was working with the Alexandra Clyde and Districts Business Group on a plan to decorate parts of the town with LED  lights.

"The town’s lacking in things like this.

"I’m trying to get all-year-round Christmas lights around Centennial Ave, Pioneer Park, Glad McArthur Gardens, Tarbert St and Limerick St."

The plan is to hang different kinds of lights on lampposts, around trees and over the streets.

The business group was asking local businesses if they would give time and money towards the project, he said.

"They’ve all been responsive, but they weren’t aware of how much it would cost."

Estimates were between $30,000 and $40,000, he said.

"But if I was going to ask every business in Alex for $200, that’s $40,000.

"I knew it would be expensive; all these lights need to have their own power source. I’ve got to liaise with Delta and Pioneer Energy to see how I can power them."

He will take a more concrete plan to the Vincent Community Board meeting next month to request additional funding.

The idea was inspired by his home town of Skegness in England.

"I’m actually from a seaside town in the UK where they put up lights every year.

"It looks good and it gets people along. It gives visitors something to talk about and they might stay in the town longer."

Alexandra Clyde and Districts Business Group chairman Barry Hambleton said the plan was to do "a similar thing to what’s happening in Clyde.

"We’d probably do it in stages. Start with Tarbert St and then Centennial Ave."

Many businesses had expressed interest in the project.

"More people are coming to Alex and we want to show them that things are happening here."

The group’s other long-term plans were for plantings on the two main roundabouts and increased irrigation to "spruce up" the most-used streets, he said.

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