Outdoor pool too cold to use

Molyneux Aquatic Centre team leader Nathan Chapman checks the temperature of Alexandra’s outdoor pool after cool weather prevented it from opening as regularly it has in as other seasons. Photo: Alexia Johnston
Molyneux Aquatic Centre team leader Nathan Chapman checks the temperature of Alexandra’s outdoor pool after cool weather prevented it from opening as regularly it has in as other seasons. Photo: Alexia Johnston
A lack of summer sun is putting a dampener on Alexandra’s outdoor pool hours.

Molyneux Aquatic Centre’s outdoor pool has been open on and off, when temperatures permit, since December 1, but nowhere near as regularly as in other seasons.

Aquatics manager Shane Allan said there had been a ‘‘considerable’’ number of days this summer when ‘‘unseasonably’’ cold weather had prompted staff to close the pool.

‘‘This decision is made by pool management on a day-to-day basis, based on the weather, and is influenced by user demand.’’

He said the pool was operating at about 18degC to 20degC, which most people had found too cold to swim in.

As a result, it had not been used as often as it usually is this time of year.

‘‘In the past, the outdoor pool has been heated by the sun to approximately 23deg and topped up utilising the pool heating to approximately 25deg.’’

However, the heating system did not have the capacity to heat the pool consistently this year due to the cold nights and southerly winds during the day, he said.

‘‘We are hopeful that we will get a more reliable run of weather soon and we will then be able to commence the usual heating process.’’

The complex’s indoor pools are still open for business and have been a popular drawcard for family groups and holidaymakers over the festive season.

It has also hosted a ‘‘busy’’ pool holiday activity programme over recent weeks, which has included pool parties at both Molyneux Aquatic Centre and the Cromwell Swim Centre.

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