New permanent GP brings stability to medical services in town

Teviot Valley is to have a new general practitioner later this year.

The Roxburgh Medical Services Trust recently announced the appointment of Doctor Pondy Lee to the position.

Trust chairman Geoff Smith said the return of a GP to the town would bring stability to medical services.

Since the last GP resigned about Easter, the town had been operating with locum doctors based at the Roxburgh Medical Centre.

''It's good news that we have been able to secure a permanent doctor. It's an assurance.

"While we have had a long-standing doctor, they can't stay forever,'' Mr Smith said.

Members of the community, particularly the elderly, needed consistency when visiting a doctor, he said.

''While we have had great, skilled locum doctors, it's nice to know we have a permanent one coming.''

Residents of the Teviot Valley had been welcoming of the ''great news'', he said.

''People are hanging out for it.''

Singaporean-trained Dr Lee, who begins in December, was ''extremely qualified and experienced'', Mr Smith said.

He had been in the country for about five years, working in a general practice in Rotorua.

His family will move with him, including his children, who are expected to enrol at the school.

Locum cover will continue until Dr Lee begins the role.

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