Mayor keeps eye on village email crusade

Tim Cadogan.
Tim Cadogan.
A total of 1,155 emails were sent to the prime minister yesterday in a final attempt to save the Roxburgh children's village, Central Otago Mayor Tim Cadogan said.

Residents south of the Waitaki River were asked to email an Otago Daily Times cartoon by Garrick Tremain about the village closure to Jacinda Ardern yesterday - one month from the scheduled closure of the village.

Mr Cadogan asked people to send an email to after they sent an email to the prime minister so he could keep a tally of participants in the campaign.

Mr Cadogan monitored that email yesterday and by the end of the day 1,155 emails were in the inbox.

''Whether it is enough to get the people in power to care, we will wait and see over the next couple of days," Mr Cadogan said.

Mr Cadogan hoped Ms Ardern would ''take a look at the facts''.

''It's as simple as bold as this - there is no-one else that provides these services in the the area.

''It's an outrage for the people.''

Mr Cadogan said the campaign was an original idea, dreamed up by him and his brother, Clutha Mayor Bryan Cadogan.

''It amalgamated the internet and the press to bring the whole media together.''

The ODT will confirm the final number of emails sent to the prime minister in tomorrow's paper.


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