Life jacket bylaw proposed

Louise van der Voort.
Louise van der Voort.
Making wearing life jackets mandatory for boat users on Lake Dunstan is just one new rule which may result from of a review of its bylaws.

Central Otago District Council planning and environment manager Louise van der Voort said yesterday it was evaluating the bylaws regarding the lake as part of a 10-yearly review.

The council received 226 responses to an initial survey on what the public thought about present rules and what it wished to see addressed, she said.

One question asked whether it should be mandatory to wear a life jacket while on a vessel on the lake. The rule is life jackets must be on board, but beyond that the safety of those on board is the skipper's responsibility.

Another question asked was whether Lake Dunstan bylaws should apply to Lake Roxburgh, which is under Maritime New Zealand jurisdiction.

Other questions considered requiring vessels on the lake to be named, whether there should be exclusive areas for jet skis and whether there should be more designated swimming areas.

''Staff are currently reviewing the results and working through the feedback.

''Council will consider these results when it looks at updating the bylaws,'' Ms van der Voort said.

A draft bylaw was likely to go out for public consultation towards the middle of the year.

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