Kindy granted consent

The Alexandra Kindergarten has received consent to build a new facility on the site of the Alexandra Primary School.

The two large specimen trees which were the subject of con tention between the kindergarten and the sole objector Darry Fletcher who owns land nearby will have to go.

In a report outlining the results of two hearings held in December and followed up in March, Central Otago District Council (CODC) manager planning and environment Louise Van der Voort said while the council regretted the loss of the trees, which contributed to the amenity of the area, their removal was consistent with the permitted baseline.

The Alexandra Kindergarten said at the December hearing the building was designed to make the most of natural light and for the safe supervision of the children and the trees would have to go.

The applicant had been asked to provide a landscape plan and identify what trees and shrubs would be planted and provide a location for the building which would provide for the protection of the walnut and oak specimen trees.

Representatives from the Alexandra Primary School Board of Trustees, the Alexandra Kindergarten and the Kindergarten Association told the March hearing the tree roots were causing problems and wal nuts had soured the ground around the trees.

The plan was to plant European ash, which would soon be large enough to provide shade.

Mr Fletcher said it was ‘‘disappointing that in 2008, an architect is presented with a blank canvas of about 200sq m and can't design a building with out removing large trees''.

The council has put strict conditions on fencing and parking and limited the number of children attending the kin dergarten to 45.

Development contributions of $22,420, $7104,00 and $7039 for water, wastewater and roading are being sought.

Objectors have 15 working days in which to lodge an objection to the consent with the Environment Court.

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