Keeping teens safe theme of parent evening

Alexandra counsellor Julie Williamson prepares for tomorrow's ``Navigating the Teenage Years'' information evening for parents. Photo: Pam Jones.
Alexandra counsellor Julie Williamson prepares for tomorrow's ``Navigating the Teenage Years'' information evening for parents. Photo: Pam Jones.
Parents are being offered more ideas for how to keep their teenagers safe at a free information evening on sexting, at-risk behaviours and pornography.

Alexandra counsellor Julie Williamson said those important topics were becoming more prominent and relevant in today's society, and parents were encouraged to attend, .

The ''Navigating the Teenage Years'' information evening in Alexandra tomorrow would feature two guest speakers and a panel of experts who would speak about at-risk behaviours in young people and how to keep them safe, Mrs Williamson said.

International researcher Annette Beautrais would speak about ''understanding at-risk behaviours in young people'' and Southern District Health Board sexual health co-ordinator Louise Pearman would speak about ''pornography and young people, sexting and social media''.

They would both then be part of a panel with a health nurse and representatives from police, Adolescent Mental Health, Uruuruwhenua Health and Sticks 'n Stones, Mrs Williamson said.

She said Prof Beautrais would talk about ''facts and myths around teenage suicide'', and would undoubtedly include discussion about themes from the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why, as well as coverage of other online and behavioural issues in the media.

Ms Pearman's presentation would be about pornography in schools, and starting conversations about young people, digital media and sexuality.

There would also be information booths for people to visit during the evening, Mrs Williamson said.

She was grateful for funding from the Otago Suicide Prevention Trust and that Prof Beautrais and Ms Pearman had made themselves available for workshops with Dunstan High School staff the following day.

"Navigating the Teenage Years'' will be held on May 17 in the Dunstan High School hall. Doors open at 6pm, when people are welcome to browse the information booths and speak informally to those at the evening. Presentation at 7pm. Entry is free.

Where to go for help

Lifeline: 0800 543 354 or 09 522 2999
Suicide Prevention Helpline: 0508 828865 (0508 TAUTOKO)
Youthline: 0800 376 633 or free text 234
Samaritans: 0800 726 666

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