Gallery's doors shut

Gateway Gallery owner Jeff Barlow on his last day of business on Sunday. Photo by Nigel Benson.
Gateway Gallery owner Jeff Barlow on his last day of business on Sunday. Photo by Nigel Benson.
Lawrence's only art gallery has closed its doors for the last time.

The Gateway Gallery was opened by Jeff and Jenny Barlow in the main street of Lawrence in 2001.

"Originally, it was all New Zealand-made craft, then we added the art and then the picture-framing came along a few years later.

It all came together very naturally," Mr Barlow said yesterday.

"Jenny had the flair.

"But she left to become a full-time mum to our 4-year-old daughter in 2007.

"The idea of opening an art and craft gallery was Jenny's and her contribution to the gallery has been enormous since before we opened.

"It is a bit sad in a lot of ways, but it's time to move on.

"We've loved it here. You meet some really nice people," he said.

The Barlows have not yet decided what to do with the building.

Mr Barlow said he would continue his part-time lawnmowing and gardening business.

"I'll keep my framing gear, too.

"You never know, I might start picture-framing again."

The Lawrence Summer Arts Festival ensured a steady stream of people flowed through the gallery on its final weekend.

Dunedin artist Ron Esplin said the closure was a loss for Lawrence.

"It will be missed.

"This gallery has really been the centrepoint of the art community here."


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