Funding moves hospital rebuild forward

Maniototo hospital leaders are "elated" about a $2 million Maniototo Community Board (MCB) contribution to the Maniototo Hospital rebuild and say it moves the project to its next stage.

Concept plans would now be finalised and a project manager sought, following a decision by the Central Otago District Council (CODC) this week to approve the funding, Maniototo Health Services Ltd (MHSL) manager Geoff Foster said.

The MCB contribution, which will come from either Maniototo rates or the sale of Maniototo properties, meant it was now certain the full amount for the rebuild would be raised, or possibly more, Mr Foster said.

MHSL already had $2.4 million towards the $5.4 million project so with the extra $2 million contribution now only needed another $1 million, Mr Foster said.

But there were still several avenues for funding: applications to the Central Lakes Trust and Otago Community Trust would be made, and Waitaki MP Jacqui Dean had told MHSL she was still asking the Government to make a one-off discretionary contribution, after the Ministry of Health had previously turned down a request for $1 million of government funding, Mr Foster said.

Maniototo hospital leaders had already decided that if more than $5.4 million was raised it would allow larger rooms to be built in the facility, Mr Foster said.

Plans were now being made to enlarge some of the rooms in the project, as it was hoped more than $5.4 million would be raised, he said.

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