At a Central Otago District Council meeting in Alexandra yesterday a report was presented by council staff outlining rent increases for the council's elderly persons' housing units.
Price rises will be between $19 and $30 per week in Cromwell, up to $20 in Clyde, up to $15 in Alexandra, $10 in Roxburgh and $5 in Ranfurly.
The report said substantial increases were placed on some units in order to catch up with market rents ruling in each town.
Increases were substantial, but a Ministry of Social Development accommodation supplement was available to assist with costs, it said.
Cr Stu Duncan said if people on higher rents got supplements it would amount to a "subsidy to move people to Cromwell''.
After the meeting, Mayor Tony Lepper said there was little discussion on the policy when it was adopted.
"We've had the discussion lots of times in the past, and quite recently.''
However, he was nervous whether all elderly people wanting to rent in Central Otago would find affordable units.
"That worries me a great deal. But we do have a range of accommodations for all our towns.''
At least people had "choices'' to move to cheaper centres in the district, he said.
"It sounds horrible, but a lot of other people are having to move because of affordability reasons.''
Kath Gibson, who lives in a elderly persons' housing unit in Goodger Court, in Cromwell, said she expected a rent rise but not such a large one.
"They've decided what they need to do, but they obviously don't understand the situation we are in.''
Her rent increased by $25 to $193 a week.
She would apply to Work and Income for an accommodation supplement, she said.
"But it will only be a few dollars. I'm a widow, so my finances are reduced.
"I definitely want to stay in Cromwell. I have a very nice flat here.''
The council owns 98 units throughout the district.
The increases come into effect on September 1.