Consent sought for workers' housing

Another cherry orchard could be popping up near Cromwell.

The Te Wairere Ridge Trust Partnership has applied for resource consent to build worker accommodation on a 3.2ha site on Gilmore Rd, Mt Pisa.

It owns two adjacent lots that are both of 3.2ha.

It would build a 158sq m six-bedroom worker accommodation building on the site, and a smaller building where the applicant would stay while the second was being constructed.

The applicant plans to plant a commercial crop over the two sites, most likely cherry trees.

The application received one submission, from neighbouring property owners Florence and Graeme McMillan, who opposed it because the plans would mean a 25m setback between the properties would be breached.

The building should be moved forward to the centre of the applicant's block, they said.

Central Otago District Council planning consultant David Whitney said in his report the submitter's property was vacant and resource consent they received to build a dwelling on the lot in 2008 would have expired in 2013.

The effect on the amenity values of the property would be no greater than minor, he said.

He recommended consent be granted with 20 conditions.

The application will be heard at a hearings panel meeting on Tuesday.

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