The council discussed the public consultation document for its 10-year plan at its meeting in Alexandra yesterday.
Public consultation begins next Wednesday.
The consultation document says the preferred option for Clyde is to improve accessibility around the main streets.
Lodge Lane, between Sunderland St and Holloway St, would become a shared public space. Parking would be removed and the footpath would be resurfaced.
The report also recommends a walkway from the precinct to the Clutha River. Car access to the river and lower speeds on Sunderland St would be addressed, too.
The estimated cost of the project is $829,700.
The other three key issues in the 10-year plan are establishing a reticulated wastewater system for Clyde, upgrades to the Lake Dunstan water supply for better water in Clyde and Alexandra and changes to the kerbside recycling collection frequency, to allow for more yellow mixed recycling bin pick-ups and fewer blue glass recyclable bin pick-ups.
The consultation document makes brief mention of 10 other issues: affordable housing, a feasibility study for the Central Stories museum building, greenwaste disposal, Cromwell town centre development, the Cromwell Memorial Hall, Omakau community facility, elderly housing, rural kerbside collection, contributions for new developments and the Omakau water supply upgrade.
Council chief financial officer Bernard Murphy said total rates would increase by 2.7% in 2018-19, 4.2% in 2019-20 and 4.1% in 2020-21, due to the large infrastructure projects in the 10-year plan.
Mayor Tim Cadogan stressed the importance of public submissions.
"[The plan] isn’t what council will do. Let’s have a conversation about what needs to be done."
Public consultations close on April 30.The consultation document will be available online or at council service centres in the district.
Submissions can be made online or in writing.