A vehicle-mounted speed camera has been introduced in the Central Otago and Queenstown Lakes districts to curb speeding in high-risk areas.
Senior Sergeant Glenn Wilkinson, road policing manager for the areas, said a camera car had operated in the districts for about two weeks.
It was stationed in areas where it would "do the most good at reducing speed on the road''.
"There are a number of identified sites that it operates within. It's generally sites that are identified through our crash data to be high-risk areas. Either high-speed areas or high-crash-risk areas.''
It would operate at times deemed to be high risk for each specific area, he said.
"Whether that's around a school at drop-off or pickup times, or on the open road over a long weekend with a lot of traffic coming into the area.
"It's just another tool in order to try and lower the average speed, especially on the open road, but also in the urban areas, around the 50km zones where there are children and pedestrians and cyclists.''
There was no particular catalyst for its introduction to the area, he said.