Big chaotic pulp action

Cherry Chaos co-organiser Janet McDonald mashes some  fruit before today’s  Roxburgh event. Photo...
Cherry Chaos co-organiser Janet McDonald mashes some fruit before today’s Roxburgh event. Photo: Jono Edwards.
Roxburgh's mushy cherry extravaganza will be even more chaotic than usual as more events are added.

The third Teviot Valley Cherry Chaos will fill Roxburgh’s sports ground this afternoon. Thirty-seven teams of four competed in the main event last year in which participants rushed through an obstacle course while others pelted them with second-grade cherries.

Co-organiser Brigitte Paterson said there seemed to be plenty of second-grade cherries this year, which were supplied by local orchardists, as the valley had been hit by  rain.

This year organisers altered the obstacle course to "keep things interesting" and added a cherry-spitting competition, she said.

The forecast was constantly changing as to whether there would be rain during the event, but organisers "weren’t worrying about that", she said.

"It won’t matter for the people participating, but it will for the crowd."

The event was about giving something back to fruit pickers, who comprised most of the participants, she said.

"They do such hard work and are such an important part of the local economy."

Fifteen teams had entered so far, but most signed up on the day.

It will also include cherry-based cooking competitions and a tug-of-war.

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