75-tonne dredge moved to new site

A gold dredge is towed through Roxburgh as it is moved from the town to Beaumont yesterday. Photo...
A gold dredge is towed through Roxburgh as it is moved from the town to Beaumont yesterday. Photo: Jono Edwards.
No-one envied a truck driver performing a three-point-turn with a 75-tonne gold dredge in tow in Roxburgh yesterday as the piece of machinery was transported to Beaumont.

The dredge, owned by Cold Gold Clutha, was shifted out of the Clutha River at Three Beaches,  south of Roxburgh,  yesterday morning.

It was transported  to Roxburgh so it could be turned around in the town, before it was moved slowly south again to its new location on the river in Beaumont.

Roxburgh residents gathered and filmed the massive equipment being moved, a highlight being the three-point turn.

Cold Gold Clutha project manager Peter Hall said that the dredge was moved because it had "exhausted the ground" in its current location.It took much effort to move the equipment as it weighed between 75 and 80 tonnes, but "when there’s a will there’s a way", he said.

He was unsure how long it would be in Beaumont.

"It’s hard to say. It could be years, but it will be there for the foreseeable future."

The business was "up and down", but the company was optimistic the dredge would pay its way at the new location.

"It’s not easy, but we’re still going," Mr Hall said.

The company had made many modifications to the dredge over the years, he said.Cold Gold Clutha gained Otago Regional Council consent in 2008, and launched operations just below the Roxburgh Dam in February 2012.

Its consent allowed it to operate for 10 years between Roxburgh and Tuapeka Mouth.It was taken off the water in Ettrick in October 2012 as it was not finding enough gold and was redesigned to be more efficient.

It was relaunched in August 2013.The company also needed consent to take it off the river, but it "wasn’t too arduous", Mr Hall said.

The 24m suction dredge collects gold by sifting through dirt, gravel and sand, using steel buckets.


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