Anglers are being warned to make sure they check changes to fishing regulations before they head to their nearest fishing spot this weekend.
The trout-fishing season opens tomorrow with almost perfect conditions predicted, but there is a range of new regulations anglers need to check, Otago Fish and Game operations manager Ian Hadland says.
Twelve changes had been made in a review of the fishing regulations. The most significant was anglers being allowed continue to fish after they reached their daily bag limit, as long as they released what they caught. This was important for anglers in back-country fisheries, such as the Greenstone and Caples rivers, where bag limits were small.
"We don't expect anglers to know the entire region's regulations but they should have a quick check of the rules for the water they intend to fish before they head out; to avoid any embarrassment."
Opportunities for opening day looked great, with almost perfect conditions, clearing rivers and a good weather forecast; an improvement on last season's dirty rivers and "scruffy weather" most of the summer.
"This year the conditions look significantly better."
Rivers had dropped slightly this week and were clearing, which was great for spin and fly anglers; and just about all Otago lakes were full, he said.
"The long-range forecast is for reasonably settled weather, which means that the good fishing should extend well into the summer." Otago Fish and Game sold more than 10,000 whole-season fishing licences last year and licence sales had been steady during the last month, especially through the website.
"It must be the simplicity or convenience of it. We thought internet sales might top out at 10% but last year it was 17% of all sales and still climbing."
Licence sales had dropped off in some regions because of the economic conditions, but it had not happened in Otago, he said.
"They're holding up. People are getting back to the basics and to more wholesome activities they can readily afford rather than that overseas holiday."