Let’s make someone really, really unpopular
As a community we are all very aware of the hospital redevelopment status in Dunedin at present.
There is no question: we do want a new hospital as promised and we want it now.
However, if the reputed costs have virtually doubled to $3 billion then I think it is appropriate for the government to take a breath and review the project.
While it is wonderful the way the community is getting behind the lobbying process to central government, unfortunately I don’t believe the marches (which I participated in), public meetings, pressure from local government and the community is going to have any effect on the government’s decision-making.
If the $3 billion costing is real, then the people involved in the project to date should be held accountable. If this is the true costing then the various consultants have not met their brief, which I’m sure would have covered a suite of works including beds, services etc, but also an indicative headline budget.
For this project to move forward and be successful they need to simplify the management structure, , remove some of the layers of people and decision-making involved, and headhunt an international project director with a record of expertise in this scale of project both in the physical and capital sense.
Provide them with a clear brief, which would include budget, give them complete hiring and firing rights, and get on with it.
I’m not sure of the cost of such a person but it would probably be millions, which in the bigger picture is peanuts, to achieve a satisfactory end product.
I’m sure this person will leave Dunedin on completion with very few friends, but we will have a new hospital providing the services we need, at a appropriate cost.
[Abridged — length. Editor.]
The real agenda
As the saga of providing a new Dunedin hospital continues to unfold, indications of what may be the real government agenda emerge. The headlines in this morning’s ODT (6.12.24) reveal that some services could be moved to Christchurch. This of course would mean a smaller and cheaper building, a downgrading of our excellent medical school and the gradual eroding of the status and facilities in Dunedin.
Surely not — no government which was committed to caring for its people would deliberately cut back on essential health services, running down a system that was designed to give access to good healthcare to all. Or would they ?
Trouble looming
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon’s coalition will not last three years. Our prime minister is a political novice and speaks corporate speech. Moreover, Act New Zealand leader David Seymour’s Treaty of Waitangi Bill has caused very serious racial hatred and pits Māori against Pākehā.
One hīkoi has already trudged from North Cape to Bluff . Racial tensions will be evident at Rātana Pa, and will get far worse at Waitangi Day.
[Abridged — Editor.]
Holy heck
I was driving along Kaikorai Valley Rd and found myself concentrating on dodging the potholes more than the traffic ahead. It reminded me of an article in the ODT about the troublesome seesaws installed during the revamp of George St and wondered how many of the potholes could be repaired with the $600,000 spent on them instead.
Building an abominable, reckless vanity project
In the ODT today (9.12.24) about the Otago Regional Council’s new building in Dunedin the explanation confuses me because months ago I was led to believe that this building for the ORC was being built and owned by the Port of Otago and not the ORC.
Who owns the Port of Otago? The ORC, which will just be a tenant.
This being the case why in the first paragraph does it state that there is expected to be a blowout of the budget and "ratepayers will foot the bill". How come if the building is owned by the Port of Otago?
This appears to be another case of never mind about the cost increases when in fact I will bet that these increases will already be known about.
I like the statement made by Cr Michael Laws that it is not simply wrong, it is an abomination.
We tried several times a year or so to stop the ORC from this huge vanity project but they blindly carried on in spite of most of their work being done outside Dunedin and mainly in Central Otago.
To add to this, the ORC rates increases over the past two or three years are a disgrace. I wonder if they would be so reckless if it was their own money they are spending? I think not.
A proud Kiwi and the Treaty Principles Bill
I am in my 75th year. I believe New Zealand is experiencing the worst racial division between Māori and all other ethnicities we have experienced in my lifetime.
I am a proud fifth-generation Kiwi, of Irish, Scottish and English heritage. I am proud of New Zealand's history and culture, especially all things Māori.
I absolutely believe the Treaty of Waitangi is our country’s founding document, but it concerns me that there now is a manifest difference between what access Māori have to fundamental government-funded services such as education, health and welfare, over all other New Zealand citizens.
I believe, now is the right time for the Principles of The Treaty of Waitangi Bill, to be introduced, so that all can clearly understand the scope, extent and limits of the Treaty of Waitangi, appropriate to all New Zealand citizens, in 2024 and beyond.
I fully support all three principles outlined in this Bill. I believe it is absolutely necessary for Parliament to have this discussion now, so that all New Zealand citizens can move forward knowing that as Principle 3 says, "Everyone is equal before the law and is entitled to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination. Everyone is entitled to the equal enjoyment of the same fundamental human rights without discrimination".
I believe we must have this discussion now to heal the racial tension and division that is occurring, so we can all move forward as one people with a clear understanding of our rights and of our obligations.
I concur with Russell Garbutt (Letters ODT 7.12.24) that "it is vital that all citizens of New Zealand submit to this justice committee so that it is clear where we want New Zealand to be in the future".
Address Letters to the Editor to: Otago Daily Times, PO Box 517, 52-56 Lower Stuart St, Dunedin. Email: editor@odt.co.nz