Letter of the week: April 14

In recognition of the importance of readers' contributions to the letters page, the newspaper each week selects a Letter of the Week, with a book prize courtesy of Longacre Press. This week's winner is Greg Glendinning, of Dunedin, for his letter suggesting holiday trading laws be changed to replicate those used on Anzac Day, when restrictions end at 1pm. He receives a copy of The Prague Cemetery (Random House), by Umberto Eco. Greg's letter, was published on Monday.

Is it not time that we did away with the ridiculous restrictions on retailers and the hospitality industry on public holidays and the continuing arguments about who should be able to trade, who should not and the disparity with tourist destinations receiving special location dispensations?

Why not apply the same laws that govern what we are accustomed to on Anzac Day to all public holidays with a 1pm start to trading?

I doubt that many would flaunt such an amended law.

Firstly, this would lessen the mayhem that we often see prior to the likes of Christmas Day and Good Friday with consumers shopping like there is no tomorrow. It would also allow those in the industry to open on these days if they choose to, without special licensing costs, but still obliged to remunerate their staff pursuant to the current Public Holidays Act.

This would also mean a lot less red tape and costs involved with special trading licences and the typical "undercover" style policing of these industries. The current laws are very last century and to me are, by definition of these occasions, placing more importance on religious beliefs, than the loss of our men and women in the conflicts of war.

By introducing such amended legislation it would still respect all our religious celebrations and offer the traders, their staff and consumers alike a more practical and manageable choice.

Greg Glendinning

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