Letter of the week: September 15

TOUCHSTONES<br>Memories of People and Place<br><b>James McNeish</b><br><i>Vintage</i>
TOUCHSTONES<br>Memories of People and Place<br><b>James McNeish</b><br><i>Vintage</i>
In recognition of the importance of readers' contributions to the letters page, the newspaper selects a Letter of the Week, with a prize courtesy of Longacre Press. This week's winner is Michael Stedman, of Dunedin, for his letter praising the achievements of chief executive Shimrath Paul and his team at the Otago Museum. He receives a copy of Touchstones (Vintage), a memoir by James McNeish. Michael's letter was published on Tuesday.

Paul leaving behind exceptional museum
The resignation of Shimrath Paul as chief executive of Otago Museum is a significant loss both to the museum and to the city.

Leading a remarkable team, he has transformed a tired and rather dusty institution into what is described by many as the finest museum in the country (yes, this includes Te Papa).

The museum's continual ability to refresh and enrich its offerings to the citizens of Dunedin and beyond is reflected in the staggering attendance numbers, around half a million a year for the past three years. These numbers position it, on a per capita basis, as arguably the most visited museum in Australasia.

Although sniping and unsubstantiated claims may suggest otherwise, the museum has a wonderful esprit de corps among its team.

The board of the Otago Museum faces a difficult challenge. Finding a director who can maintain the growth, vision and the international relationships the museum has forged will be no small task.

That said, one of Shimrath's legacies will be his cultivation of the strengths and abilities in the talented and capable team within the museum.

As do all good CEOs, he has built strong succession within the museum.

Michael Stedman
Managing director


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