Moa hunters’ camp at Hoopers Inlet
Mr Robieson, of the local Tourist Department, recently made an interesting discovery. While on a visit to Hooper’s Inlet, Mr Robieson unearthed a number of ancient Maori relics, which are believed to be associated with the early moa-hunters. Underneath a stratum containing the leg bones of one of the smaller species of moa, Mr Robieson found a greenstone adze. The relics were evidently the remains of an ancient Maori camp. About 30 years ago the late Mr Augustus Hamilton, while working with Mr (now Sir Frederick) Chapman at the mouth of the Shag River, unearthed a piece of polished greenstone in similar circumstances, and that find has since been confirmed by Mr David Teviotdale. Mr Robieson’s find further confirms these earlier discoveries and proves that the ancient moa hunters were aware of the remote valleys in which, greenstone is found.
The Winton Show
The eleventh annual show of the Winton A and P Association was held today in beautiful weather. This was the first time in the history of the association that the show has been held on a day on which no rain fell. There was a large attendance — probably a record for the association — and the sum of £100 8s was taken at the gate, compared with £71 8s last year. When it is considered that a member’s ticket admits a member, his wife, and all the members of his family it can reasonably be estimated at quite 3000. The entries, too, were good all over, and showed an increase in practically every section. The management of the show was in excellent hands. Mr Walter Blakie, of Branxholm, the president of the society, was early on the ground, and kept a vigilant oversight on matters generally. He was ably assisted by a committee, the members of which were keenly alive to their respective duties. Mr J. A. Broom was an energetic and painstaking secretary and left no stone unturned to make the show a success.
Turnip crops delayed
The weather during the past week (writes our Middlemarch correspondent) has been very hot and dry, and the grass is beginning to get burnt up. If similar weather conditions continue the position will soon become serious. Farmers are waiting for rain before sowing turnips, and some who had sown early are at a standstill. Lambs continue to do well so far. The weather yesterday was very hot.
The drift south
In connection with a recent message with regard to the population movement in New Zealand in 1922, the Government Statistician’s report, stated that according to the figures dealing with the movement, of population between the North Island and the South Island during 1922, 10,000 more people migrated from the North Island to the South Island than from the South to the North. Politically (states a Press Association message) the significance of the figures is their possible effect on parliamentary representation, as for a number of years past the South Island has been steadily losing seats to the North on the population basis. — ODT, 8.12.1923
Compiled by Peter Dowden