Queenstown Lakes District Mayor Glyn Lewers noted the Prime Minister’s emphasis on growth.
"It actually gives me some confidence, because obviously we’ve got certain growth pressures. We’ve got high potential to grow."
However, the first-term mayor said he would now be dealing with his fourth tourism minister, having started with Stuart Nash in the Labour government.
"Hopefully minister [Louise] Upston is here for the long term, because it’s one sector that does have growth potential that probably hasn’t been given proper consideration."
He was interested to see if a change to the Minister of Local Government — Simon Watts replacing Simeon Brown, who picked up the health portfolio — would change the dynamic with central government.
Waitaki District Mayor Gary Kircher saw this as a demotion for local government.
"I would like to see Minister Watts show some mettle when it comes to helping local government deliver greater outcomes to their communities — the government needs to show it is serious about devolving decision-making, rather than continuing to centralise power in Wellington."
Mr Kircher said Mr Brown "quite rightly prioritises getting budgets under control, but he has yet to prove whether he can do that with a balanced view of retaining critical services that provide value for money".
He felt Chris Bishop had been rewarded for being prepared to front in some challenging areas.
"He’s a capable minister and time will tell on how he delivers improved infrastructure, now including transport."
Invercargill Mayor Nobby Clark said the Prime Minister had shown strong leadership.
Mr Watts had already had positive engagement with the local government sector, he said.
Clutha District Mayor Bryan Cadogan said in recent months he had sent "multiple invites to multiple ministers desperately seeking answers around local health provisions, regional health issues, and to the labyrinth of unanswered questions around Three Waters".
"With so much dismantling, it’s getting critical that we have some understanding of replacement plans and the only thing we have received in return is silence."