Memorial unveiled at Milton

The newly-completed Bruce district war memorial, in Milton. — Otago Witness, 9.10.1923
The newly-completed Bruce district war memorial, in Milton. — Otago Witness, 9.10.1923
Armistice Day was chosen by the Bruce Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Committee as a fitting day on which the memorial erected to the memory of fallen soldiers from Milton and Bruce County should be unveiled.

The ceremony was attended by several hundreds from all parts of Bruce County, Balclutha, and elsewhere. 

The monument, which is erected on the site on which formerly stood the White House Hotel, is of striking design, unique in character, and when the surroundings are finished with paths, grassy swards, and bushes, should prove a monument worthy of the town and district. 

Prior to the function a number of returned soldiers, Territorials, and Senior Cadets paraded at the Defence Hall, and headed by the Milton Municipal Brass Band, marched  to the memorial site.


Armistice Day 

Armistice Day services on Sunday were nearly at an end — in fact, some had reached that stage — when a severe thunderstorm broke over the city. 

Peals of thunder, flashes of lightning, and a heavy, though brief, downpour of hail were followed by heavy rain. 

The services in progress were not marred by this act of Nature; rather than that, the storm added to the solemnity of the occasion. 

For those returning home from church, however, conditions were decidedly unpleasant, especially as the fine weather earlier in the morning had tempted many to set out without overcoats or umbrellas.


The Bavarian Revolt suppressed

It is officially announced that Marshal Ludendorff, Herr Hitler, and the other leaders were arrested after the military buildings in Munich in which they had taken refuge were captured by Reichswehr troops. 

A considerable number on both sides were killed and wounded in street fighting. 

It is announced that the revolt is now completely suppressed. 

A wireless telegram received at Hamburg from Berlin states that Dr von Kahr and General von Lossow declare that their assent to the Hitler-Ludendorff movement was forcibly obtained. 

They opposed the movement and today Dr von Kahr ordered the arrest of all members of the National Socialist Association. 

The Bavarian Government ordered all the local authorities and the police and military to refuse to obey the orders of the revolutionaries. 

Communication between Bavaria and Prussia has been completely severed. 

Trains from Berlin run only to the Bavarian frontier. Telegrams are not accepted for Bavaria. 

The Reichsbank stopped sending money to Bavaria.


Tuapeka County Council

At the monthly meeting of the Tuapeka County Council there were present: Crs Cotton (chairman), Brown. MacDonald, Rodger, Revie, Leary, M’Lennan, and Simpson.

Thomas Whelan, Roxburgh, wrote complaining of the state of roads leading to his run, and also to run 570. 

If the road was not repaired he would not pay any further rates. — Cr MacDonald moved that the member and inspector visit the place at an early date and report as to cost at the next meeting. 

Alfred J. Wood, Coal Creek, wrote asking that the road to his residence, which is by Campbell’s track, and is a clay road, and a very steep pinch be reduced in grade. 

He said he understood the county team would be working in the vicinity shortly, and added that the road was the only way for him to get his fruit down to the main road. —Referred to member and inspector with power to act.


Unfair competition alleged

A message from Los Angeles states that Mary Pickford will retire from the screen if the conditions in the cinema  industry grow any worse. 

She declared before the Federal Trade Commission, which is probing charges of unfair competition, that the larger producing companies had so bottled up the theatres of the country that she found it difficult, and often impossible, to get a showing for her pictures in the better play-houses.

ODT, 13.11.1923