You are not permitted to download, save or email this image. Visit image gallery to purchase the image. Opinion 100 years ago 0 Comments Photo: Otago Witness 24.3.1925 The Māori village of Ōhinemutu, near Rotorua. Photo: Otago Witness 17.3.1925 A scene by the Catlins River estuary at Pounawea. Related Stories SUBSCRIBER Letters to the Editor: slogans, cycling and booksales SUBSCRIBER Cartoonist’s view — Yeo SUBSCRIBER D-Day for South Dunedin SUBSCRIBER Tiny triumphs, not a week of despair SUBSCRIBER Wembley rerun will help NZ SUBSCRIBER Whistling past the graveyard and strolling to the polls Echoes of inter-war political movements can be heard in today's politics SUBSCRIBER Worth their weight in gold? SUBSCRIBER Letters to the Editor: tax reform and the voting age SUBSCRIBER Cartoonist’s view — Yeo SUBSCRIBER Bowel screening fizzer SUBSCRIBER Cyclone Alfred and a mind of his own More