Sports clubs encouraged to speak up

The founders of the Wakatipu Sports User Group are encouraging the leaders of sports clubs in the region to be more pro-active about getting their issues heard, and to stand together to speak to authorities with a stronger voice.

"The Sports User Group was created to speak on behalf of all clubs in the region about general issues affecting them all. But the individual clubs also need to take responsibility for being heard on whatever matters to them," Merve Aoake said.

Mr Aoake is heading the Wakatipu Sports User Group along with Craig "Ferg" Ferguson and Simon Spark.

All three have been actively involved with a range of sports clubs in the area, and were encouraged to create the group a year ago to liaise between clubs and the Queenstown Lakes District Council.

Last November, the group got a specific issue to handle when the council presented a proposal for a new fee structure for the use of sports facilities.

The group had been consulted about the proposal, and was pleased to see free use of council facilities for youth sports.

Mr Ferguson said the group had been in contact with most sports clubs in Queenstown after the council proposal was presented.

"There are still a number of concerns about this new structure, which should be discussed before the final draft is decided on. For example, several clubs have issues with the council taking a percentage of their earnings from sale of food and beverages."

The group intends to arrange another meeting with council community services manager Paul Wilson in early February to present it with any outstanding issues regarding the proposal before the consultation and submission period ends on February 28.

"This is a chance for the clubs to express their concerns. I strongly advise all clubs to talk to the Sports User Group or, better yet, to show up at the meeting to voice their opinion," Mr Ferguson said.

While the group is focusing on the present issue with council fees and access to facilities, the founders are also keen to look ahead.

"They have been talking about such things as shared use of gear and facilities, and about applying for money from charitable funds . . . The Sports User Group is all about making the best use of the expertise found among the sport volunteers."

Recently, the group has also been talking to sports clubs in Wanaka, which it is happy to include in the united front when it is liaising with the council.

The group is expecting a very active year ahead.

"It is time for us and our clubs to look at long-term planning as well. We are back on the ball after the holiday season, and ready to hear from the clubs. As 2010 is local election year, and sports and recreation issues affect a large portion of our residents, I think it is going to be an interesting year for us."


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