Climatic challenge to parents

Ethan, Richard and Lily Denhardt, of Mosgiel, after seeing Fantastic Mr Fox at Hoyts Octagon this...
Ethan, Richard and Lily Denhardt, of Mosgiel, after seeing Fantastic Mr Fox at Hoyts Octagon this week. Photo by Gregor Richardson.
Mosgiel parent Michelle Denhardt has described these summer holidays as simply "the pits".

She and her husband, Richard, have spent the past wet weeks finding ways to entertain their two children, Ethan (5) and Lily (10), who would much rather run around outside than be cooped up inside.

"This is the time of year you are supposed to enjoy living here, but you can't," she said.

The family had become frustrated with a summer which had not provided the usual sunshine and warm weather.

"So much for the cheap outside New Zealand summer."

Mrs Denhardt would prefer to pack a picnic and go to the beach, or park, than "spend spend spend" on indoor activities to entertain her children.

The park was often a no-go area, too, because one fine day between wet ones was not enough to dry out equipment or the grass.

But if a fine day eventuated, a trip to the beach was top of the list.

While the situation had not affected her stress levels, she and the children were disappointed and she was beginning to get desperate for new ideas.

Mr and Mrs Denhardt operate the No 8 Cafe in Outram and Ethan and Lily often spent time there during their holidays.

However, if the weather was fine they would be at the park, or school, playing, rather than stuck in the back office watching DVDs and doing "winter stuff" like they were on Thursday.

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