Food licence delays opening of cafe

Post Office Cafe owners Martin James, Alex Boyes, Jan Rae and manager Kimberley Percival and...
Post Office Cafe owners Martin James, Alex Boyes, Jan Rae and manager Kimberley Percival and marketing manager Jason Medina toast the new venture. Photo by Emily Adamson.
After a launch party Wednesday evening, the staff of the new Post Office Cafe in Ballarat St were eager to welcome customers for breakfast on Thursday morning.

But a bit of last-minute red tape ended up delaying the actual opening.

General manager Kimberley Percival said the cafe was still waiting for its food licence by lunchtime yesterday, so while the food was ready and the staff were keen to tend to customers, a sign in the window told potential customers the cafe was not yet open for business.

"From 7.30am until noon, we had to turn more than 50 customers away. Of course, that is frustrating, when we have been looking forward to our opening day," marketing manager Jason Medina said.

"But we have been told by the council we should receive the paperwork during Thursday, so we will just wait patiently, but eagerly," he said.

The owners of the cafe - Martin James, Alex Boyes and Jan Rae - are also behind three other Queenstown restaurants: Wai and Finz at the Steamer Wharf and Bella Cucina at Brecon St.

The cafe will be open for breakfast, lunch and dinner from 7.30am to 8pm.


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