Hard line on illegal bikes

Queenstown police intend to take a hard line against trail bike riders who ride bikes without current registration and warrant of fitness.

"We have had a number of complaints about trail bikes around Skippers Canyon and Macetown, because of inconsiderate and downright dangerous [riding]," Constable Craig Gibson said.

Const Gibson said Skippers Rd was a public road, so bikes had to be registered and warranted to be ridden there.

"And of course you need the correct licence for a trail bike. We take this matter seriously, and will be following it closely over the summer."

In the incidents police have attended so far, alcohol has not appeared to be a factor in the trail bike riders' behaviour.

"They just seem to be after a bit of an adrenaline rush, but it is no excuse to put anyone in danger, or not abide by the law," Const Gibson said.

Apart from the incidents with trail bikes, he said police have been very pleased to see most drivers on the Wakatipu roads behaving well, causing the lead-up to the holiday season to be a relatively quiet time so far.

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