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Josh McInnes, Olivia Simmons, Gabrielle Chisholm and Isabella McLaughlin.
Front row: (l-r) Jack Merrison, Matt Parker, Archie Hyslop, of St Francis Xavier.

Te Manawa Exeter-Bachop (7), Gabriel Lindsay (8) and Henry Lapham (8), St Josephs School, of Dunedin.

With coach Zana Clearwater, are, (L-R) Lewis Green (8), Alex Smith (6), Cohen Clearwater, (8) Stanley Hillman (8) and Issac Smith (8), of Anderson's Bay School.

Fletcher Hawken (7), Harry Hawken (9), of St. Clair School, Oscar Ross (9), and William Ross (7), of St Francis Xavier school.

Fergus Laws, (5), Ethan Desfountain (9), Max Port, (9), and Eli Desfountain. all of Waitati School.

Liam Hogeboom, (9), Charlotte Harris (9), and Georgia Spek (8) of St Peter Chanel, Green Island.
At the Dunedin primary schools futsal finals, Edgar Centre, Dunedin, Wednesday, April 13.
Photos by Christine O'Connor; prints available from