Busy Bodies Childcare entered its scarecrow "Honeybee" into the new scarecrow category of the home industries competition at the show, which was held at Donovan Park in Invercargill, and it won first place.
Busy Bodies educator Alisa Cole said they picked something with bees because they were learning about them at the moment.
"The kids helped me put it together."

The few thousand Southland families who attended the show seemed keen to take up the traditions, with pony rides and the "big dig" popular.
Southland A&P Association chief executive Gillian Brock said the show would continue upholding traditional elements while adapting to the community’s needs.
Two Invercargill siblings continued their farming family’s tradition, by coming first and second in the lamb class section.

His sister Annabel, 5, came second with her Texel lamb Lola.
Ms Brock said the pet section always had strong participation.
"The weather played its part for the important aspects ... and there was a lot of good gate turnout, and overall we were thrilled with the day."