A self-taught cook shares some of her recipes

Annabel Langbein
Annabel Langbein
Annabel Langbein has made it her mission to empower and inspire people to eat more fresh seasonal produce and fewer barcodes.''While I love to cook, I don't want to spend hours in the process. If I can skip or simplify a step and get the same result, I will. That's an advantage of being a self-taught cook.''

Over the next fortnight, she will be sharing some of her recipes from her new cookbook Annabel Langbein The Free Range Cook: Through the Seasons with Summer Times readers.

''Home cooking isn't about performance food and fancy tricks, it's about nourishment, resourcefulness and care,'' she says.

Much of her fresh produce is grown in extensive organic vegetable gardens on the shores of Lake Wanaka, where her television series is filmed.

''In a world that places so many demands on our lives, taking a few minutes to prepare a meal and enjoy the ritual of eating together provides a rhythm to daily life and gives us a sense of belonging and connection.''

Over more than two decades, she has earned an international following for her garden-to-table philosophy and her fail-safe recipes, which transform inexpensive seasonal ingredients into dishes with the wow factor, many of which are naturally vegetarian and/or gluten-free.

Domino potatoes
Domino potatoes
Domino potatoes

These always get rave reviews. I allow one medium-large potato per person, but for hungry appetites you can cook extra - this recipe is an economical and reasonably healthy way to fill people up.

Prep time 10 mins. Cook time 40-50 mins. Serves 6.


6 medium-large potatoes, scrubbed
4 tbsp melted butter or extra virgin olive oil
flaky salt, to taste


Preheat oven to 180degC fanbake and line a large oven tray or shallow oven dish with baking paper. Slice potatoes very thinly, then stack back together and flatten out on the prepared tray or dish in overlapping rows like fallen dominoes. Drizzle or brush with melted butter or oil and season with salt. Bake until golden and crispy (40-50 minutes, depending on thickness).

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Seasons - By Alison Lambert  - Available for purchase now!

The Otago Daily Times and Alison have collaborated to bring you her first cookbook – Seasons.  

This book is the ultimate year-round cookbook. Seasons is filled with versatile recipes designed to inspire creativity in the kitchen, offering plenty of ideas for delicious accompaniments and standout dishes that highlight the best of what each season has to offer.  


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