By Gail Young
The Globe Theatre
Sunday, September 15
A committed cast and production team offer a strong and sensitive portrayal of the impact of dementia on a family in the Globe Theatre’s production of Gail Young’s Bothered & Bewildered.
Directed by Lorraine Johnston, Bothered & Bewildered is by turns laugh-out-loud funny and deeply moving as it traces the decline into confusion and unpredictability of Irene, an ordinary wife and mother, portrayed with emotional depth by Kay Masters.
Irene experiences a roller-coaster of emotion and disturbing memories, and is often distressed by random sounds and voices - it seems the only ‘‘person’’ who can bring her comfort and good advice is beloved author Barbara Cartland, played with hauteur by Alison Ayers.
Watching on in despair as their mother diminishes are Irene’s daughters Beth and Louise, sensitively portrayed by Laura Wells and Kelly Phillips.
Adding their support to this intense family story are Laura Whelan as Young Irene and granddaughter Shelly and Prior McRae as Jim and James.
Sol Doran is also sensitive in support as an NHS consultant and policeman.
Bothered & Bewildered feels authentic in its portrayal of a family doing its best to deal with hard times with love.
All in all, an engaging theatre experience. Recommended.