Uni to help iwi manage fisheries

University of Otago scientists have been given $180,000 to help Ngai Tahu manage fisheries.

As part of the project marine science graduate Peri Subritzky will travel around the country undertaking stock assessments for key marine species, which includes measuring abundance, size and pollution.

He will be mentored by Otago University marine scientist Dr Chris Hepburn and work in partnership with scientists and environmental managers from Ngai Tahu's customary fishery unit.

Dr Hepburn said Mr Subritzky's position represented a key link between the university and tangata whenua and an opportunity to expand the strong relationship developed by Ngai Tahu with northern iwi.

''Ngai Tahu is building its own scientific capability to provide the best information possible to manage local fisheries.

''Our graduates are forming the core of this team and I believe science graduates from our university will find themselves working for Maori organisations more and more,'' he said.

In the first year of the programme, the survey design would be deployed within the Ngai Tahu tribal area and in the second year it would be expanded to include the North Island.

''This will help reinstate local communities as guardians of their marine environment,'' he said.

The programme is being funded through the Government's Vision Matauranga Capability Fund, which supports research aimed at achieving environmental sustainability through iwi and hapu relationships with land and sea.

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